Smart ecargobike sharing hub for logistics and transportation at the heart of Brasov

Location: Brașov
In 2024, the city of Brasov, one of the most important touristic destinations in Romania, presented the need to reduce car usage in the city center using innovative approaches. The main goal was to support supply and delivery operations by offering smart solutions that can be tested throughout the piloting phase.
Our proposal, which was selected as a winner, was to facilitate access to cargobikes for delivery companies and their personnel, particularly in the area of interest. To do so, a smart hub was installed in the immediate vicinity of the targeted pedestrian area of the old town, where supply to bars and restaurants needs to be done. Through our approach, an easy to access alternative to carry heavy loads is available so that the car is not required anymore to do the delivery up to the last mile in the area, which is crowded and with very restrictive access hours for car drivers.
The smart hub provides quick access to two e-cargobikes that are parked and secured within the shelter. Users can register, validate their identity, unlock the individual cargobike that they need and leave feedback through the web-based mobile app. Our Digital Twin offers real-time data about the usage, gate and smart chains that secure the bikes, as well as a video stream and records, which provide better understanding about the impact that the solution brings as well as the possibility to monitor and backtrace any potential problem.
Based on the collected information and user feedback, the City of Brasov plans to expand the pilot project to additional areas where car dependency for transportation can be reduced.
The pilot project was selected winner under the 2024 RAPTOR competition, launched by EIT Urban Mobility. Read more here